Saturday, August 30, 2008

"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me."

I enjoy watching my grand children as they follow the Ewe characters, singing and dancing on the tunes in the Ewe animated series. These are the catchiest songs both entertaining and educational. They include: "Who Do Ewe Follow?", "Who Do Ewe Trust?" and "Do Ewe Share?” I am sure many children have benefited from watching, listening to and acting the Ewe parts. They learn about moral values: following the leader, listening and being obedient.

They always remind me of Jesus’ teaching in John 10. Like the sheep in the Ewe series, if we know our Lord, hear His voice and follow Him our lives are going to be happier and healthier.
John 10:14, 27 " I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine." "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me."
Our well being is a whole lot better if we follow Jesus daily, and not just when things are going our way and when times are good. Jesus said that those who love Him obey His commandments. We have to demonstrate our knowledge of our Lord and make a choice to follow Him each day, rather than wait until disaster hits. He should be our first priority and not our last resort.

Friday, August 29, 2008

You are a holy ground

During my daily walk and morning worship, the Holy Spirit reminded me of the incident when the angel of the Lord appeared to Moses in flames of fire from within a bush. He drew my attention to Exodus 3:5 when God told Moses to put off his sandals because the ground he was standing on was a holy ground.

I tried to sing a worship song ‘You are on holy ground’ but the Holy Spirit kept on nudging me I had to stop. I asked Him what He was trying to show me and He said: “You are a holy ground.” I said; “who, me?” “Yes,” He said. “Don’t you know you are the temple of God?” I thought about it for a while and God the Father dwells in you. God the Son our Lord Jesus Christ dwells in you. The Trinity dwells in me. Is there a holier ground than this?

Monday, August 18, 2008

Do you need a mentor?

Do you need a mentor? If you are like me I am sure the answer is “YES”. But mentors are so expensive. How can an ordinary woman like me afford a mentor?

I was surprised to learn that the Holy Spirit who resides in us was given to us for that very purpose. However, like any mentor, He can do nothing without our cooperation. Unfortunately, we forfeit the true treasures from our loving Father and settle for the baits of this world. We disregard the presence and the anointing of the Holy Spirit and allow ourselves to be lured into the destructions of the enemy.

For the better half of my life I searched for a better life, better health and overall peace. In spite of trying this and that, I always came short. After asking myself why and why me, I started blaming God, accusing him of being unhelpful when I need help and uncaring when He knew I was helpless. As you would expect my situation got worse. I was desperate, really desperate! It wasn’t only my health that was in a mess but a whole lot more. I was bitter, angry and unpleasant to be with. I needed help.

If you are going through unbearable circumstances, don’t lose heart. Look to Jesus. God wants us to walk in His protection and blessing. When we believe and receive His Son, we can enjoy His blessing. He gives us His Spirit to dwells in us to help us, guide us and lead us into all truth. If we hear His voice, believe His Word and do what He says, we can stay under the shadow of the Most High God.

God has provided for everything we need to enjoy His love, joy, peace, provisions and health. If we are not accessing His blessing, it is not His fault. It is because either we are not listening to the Holy Spirit or doubting His Word. The Holy Spirit teaches us how to please God.

God’s only pain is to be doubted. His only pleasure is to be believed.” Dr. Mike Murdock.
Think about this for a moment. It bothers me to think that every time I doubt God or His Word, I cause Him pain!

Oh but for the grace and mercy of God! He never gives up on us. Instead of telling me off, He reminded me of His love. I could hear Jesus calling.
Mathew 11:28 “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
Looking back, it seems funny for a Christian, already baptized in the Spirit to be moved by the very first words our Lord extends to us before we become saved. From experience though, I have come to learn that we need to take advantage of this call from our Lord all through our Christian walk! It is an on going call.

He is calling you and me in love; to come and draw from the fountain of love; to come and swim in His everlasting love and protection.
John 15:5 says “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.”

That is why I was failing. That is why you may be failing. We have to abide in Him. Without Him we can do nothing. And do you know what? The Spirit of truth abides in us and teaches us all things, and guides us into all truths. He takes of what is of Jesus and shows it to us. He teaches us how to abide in Jesus through His Word! Surrender to Him. Do not allow your past to rob you of His protection. Let the Holy Spirit be your health mentor!

Friday, August 15, 2008

How I need the leading of the Holy Spirit!

Galatians 5:22-25 and Romans 8:14-16
I am God’s object of love. God intended that His children should lead dynamic lives. He gave us His Spirit and His Word so that we may operate like Him. Sadly most of us Christians are leading mediocre lives. Why? We are not submitting to the Holy Spirit. I used to wail and beg God to do something to change my circumstances; but God was saying “Listen to the Holy Spirit. Go to the Word. Follow the Word. Submit to the Holy Spirit!”

Who is the Holy Spirit?

He is God. Sometimes He is referred to as the third person of the Godhead (Trinity). He is God in action on earth. He is not a thing, a feeling, or sensation but His presence can affect our emotions as we experience His, love, comfort, peace and joy.

Through lack of knowledge many people tend to ignore the third Person of the Godhead. The Holy Spirit plays a very important role in the Trinity. He is a separate being with a distinct personality and characteristics. As the Representative of heaven, residing in the us, His main desire is for us to fulfill God’s purposes on earth. Nothing is done on earth without Him!

The creation, Gen 1:1, 26

After the fall, throughout the Bible we see the work of the Holy Spirit from Adam to the coming of the Savior! Psam 51:11, Is 63:10

Jesus came to reveal God as our Father, (Matthew 6:9). The Holy Spirit makes us new with the ability to receive our Father’s love which He pours in our hearts. Rom 5:5-6 “Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. Gal 4:6 And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, Abba Father.

The unity and interactive power of the Trinity is very evident in the birth and the ministry of Jesus. Luke 1:45, Acts 10:38 “As God anointed Jesus Christ who went about doing good…” .
Our Lord needed the Holy Spirit to fulfill His ministry. In the same way without the Holy Spirit we cannot appropriate what God has for us.