Friday, May 21, 2010

Stay on fire but don’t get burned out

Mark 6:31, "And he said to them, ‘Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place, and rest a while’: for there were many coming and going, and they not even have time to eat."

Are you on fire for God? That is a good thing. In our scripture, Jesus calls His disciples apart, most likely to eat and rest. Of course Jesus and His disciples were on fire for God, they were doing God’s business, but they still needed the rest.

Are you neglecting the need of resting your physical body? If you fail to give yourself the needed rest, you will probably get burned out. Do you know that you can cut your life short if you don’t get rest? Jesus and His disciples were going to this isolated place to get away from the multitude for awhile and rest. This rest was not optional, it was a matter of necessity.

Many times we fall into the devil’s trap, and keep ourselves so busy that we even fail to fellowship with God and draw from our Fountain of life. We don't take time to be still and know God (Ps. 46:10)? Remember, the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy. If he fails to stop you from getting on fire for God, he'll try to get you burned out.

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